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Tone of voice
Professional, oneiric
Gucci Unveils the Labirinti Gucci High Jewellery Collection: A Masterpiece of Artistry and Nature
Gucci, the iconic Italian fashion house known for its rich heritage and unparalleled artistry, has unveiled its latest High Jewellery collection, "Labirinti Gucci". This mesmerising collection takes enthusiasts on a journey through flourishing Italian gardens featuring dragonflies, mazes, and G motifs in coloured gemstones where majestic mazes and enchanting labyrinths reveal a blooming vision of nature, meticulously framed in a refined sense of balance and symmetry.
Themes and Inspirations
At the heart of Labirinti Gucci are three captivating themes: symmetry and ordered beauty, geometric splendour, and blooming nature. These themes come to life through the most exquisite and extraordinary coloured gemstones, carefully selected to evoke the essence of an Italian garden.
A Testament to Craftsmanship and Creativity
Labirinti Gucci is a testament to Gucci's enduring legacy of craftsmanship and creativity. This collection celebrates the beauty of nature, the power of symmetry, and the timeless allure of exquisite craftsmanship. As we navigate through this labyrinth of creation and exploration, we are reminded of the House's uncompromising pursuit of sophistication, elegance, and beauty. Each piece in the collection is a work of art, paying tribute to the skilled artisans who have brought these masterpieces to life.
Gucci presenta la collezione di alta gioielleria Labirinti Gucci: capolavori tra arte e natura
Gucci, l’iconica Maison nota per la sua ricca tradizione e impareggiabile maestria artigianale, ha presentato “Labirinti Gucci”, la sua ultima collezione di alta gioielleria. Questa affascinante collezione ci accompagna in un viaggio attraverso lussureggianti giardini all’italiana tra libellule, labirinti e motivi G realizzati con gemme colorate. Maestosi dedali e intricati percorsi suggestivi raccontano una visione rigogliosa della natura, perfettamente inserita in una cornice di equilibrio, simmetria e raffinatezza.
Temi e ispirazione
Sono tre gli affascinanti temi chiave di Labirinti Gucci: simmetria e bellezza ordinata, splendore geometrico e natura rigogliosa. Tali tematiche prendono vita attraverso le più pregiate e straordinarie gemme colorate, selezionate con cura per evocare l’essenza dei giardini all’italiana.
Un simbolo di artigianalità e creatività
Labirinti Gucci testimonia la lunga tradizione della Maison in fatto di artigianalità e creatività. Questa collezione rende omaggio alla bellezza della natura, al potere della simmetria e al fascino intramontabile della straordinaria abilità artigianale. Nel viaggio attraverso questo dedalo di creatività ed esplorazione emerge l’impegno della Maison nella ricerca di raffinatezza, eleganza e bellezza. Ogni creazione è un’opera d’arte che celebra la maestria di chi ha dato vita a questi capolavori.
The translated content is a paragraph from The Jewellery Pursuer, who provided explicit consent to the use of the material for the creation of this portfolio. Link to the source text: https://www.jewellerypursuer.com/single-post/gucci-unveils-the-labirinti-gucci-high-jewellery-collection-a-masterpiece-of-artistry-and-nature
Presentation and description by The Jewelry Pursuer of the Labirinti Gucci high jewelry collection
Text type
Online-based magazine article
Crafting a translation that combines creativity, appropriate tone of voice and engaging and smooth syntax for the Italian-speaking readers, given the nature of the text.
Text type
Website product descriptions
Tone of voice
Warm, friendly
Makeup Headband - Crystal White
Don’t let stray hairs ruin your routine. Slip on a handy headband and keep your locks free from your face, then you’re ready to pull off some makeup magic. Hair back, glow UP.
The translated content is from Dock & Bay, who provided explicit consent to the use of the material for the creation of this portfolio. Links to the source texts:
Product descriptions of accessories by sustainable brand Dock & Bay
The light, engaging tone of voice and wordplay called for a very creative translation, sometimes deviating from the source text
Fascia makeup ‒ Crystal White
Non lasciare che i capelli fuori posto rovinino la tua routine: indossa questa comoda fascia e tieni i ciuffi lontani dal viso. Et voilà, la magia del trucco può iniziare. Ciocche ribelli al minimo, look al massimo.
Makeup Removers - Cabana Home
Clean skin, cleaner planet. Reusable makeup removers, made from 100% recycled plastic bottles. Soft on even the most sensitive skin - just add water, no cleanser needed.
• Reusable - Eco-friendly solution to throwaway cotton pads or wipes
• Super soft - Designed for those with sensitive skin
• Just add water - No cleanser needed (unless you want to, obviously)
• Washable - Just put in the washing machine after use
• Planet-kind - Made from 100% recycled plastic bottles
• Money-saving - No more buying packs of wipes
• Certified B Corp - that means they’re better!
Dischetti struccanti ‒ Cabana Home
20,00 €
Pelle pulita, pianeta pulito. Dischetti struccanti riutilizzabili, realizzati al 100% con bottiglie in plastica riciclata. Ideali anche per le pelli più sensibili e delicate: è sufficiente bagnarli con acqua, senza bisogno del detergente.
• Riutilizzabili: una soluzione ecosostenibile ai dischetti in cotone o alle salviette usa e getta
• Morbidissimi: pensati per le pelli più sensibili
• Basta un po’ d’acqua: non occorre detergente (a meno che tu non voglia utilizzarlo)
• Lavabili: dopo l’utilizzo, ti basterà metterli in lavatrice
• Amici del pianeta: realizzati al 100% con bottiglie in plastica riciclata
• Amici delle tue tasche: risparmiati l’acquisto di confezioni di salviette
• Certificazione B Corp: una garanzia di sostenibilità!
Text type
Website article
Gucci Unveils the Labirinti Gucci High Jewellery Collection: A Masterpiece of Artistry and Nature
The translated content is a paragraph from Dock & Bay, who provided explicit consent to the use of the material for the creation of this portfolio. Links to the source texts:
Gucci Unveils the Labirinti Gucci High Jewellery Collection: A Masterpiece of Artistry and Nature
"About" page of the sustainable brand Dock & Bay and product descriptions of their beauty & welleness accessories
Tone of voice
Website article
Website article
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Angelica Fioredda
Italian creative translator
for the luxury and marketing industries
©2025 Angelica Fioredda. All rights reserved.
Genova, Italy – VAT No. IT02779440995